Join the Isles of Scilly Museum, Bec Applebee and partners in an exciting new project inspired by the Bishop Rock Lighthouse and the Grand Ball of Rosevear. Join in with a range of events, creative activities and projects, including a ‘Grand Ball’ dance on St Mary’s with original music, a new production from St Mary’s Theatre Club and community workshops.
Find out about the project below, or explore upcoming activities, read the latest news or check out our project gallery.
The ‘Grand Ball of Rosevear’
The fabled ‘Grand Ball of Rosevear’ is an inspirational story cited in the autobiography of Sir James Nicholas Douglass (1900). The Ball was hosted by the construction officers and men to lift the spirits of the workers building the Bishop Rock lighthouse, which was an ambitious and treacherous undertaking. The workers were based throughout the build on the isolated island of Rosevear, far away from the amenities and comforts of the main Isles of Scilly.
With such dangerous and laborious work, it was felt that a Ball would lift the spirits of everyone who took part, and inhabitants of all the five islands were invited (or so the story goes) to the remote location. Now, theatre practitioner and producer Bec Applebee has teamed up with the Isles of Scilly Museum to stage a range of events, creative activities and projects starting in early spring, reimagining this historic moment.
Bec Applebee, Cornwall-based theatre practitioner and producer
“The idea of this historical event is ripe with personal experience, history, intrigue, mystery, music, excitement, dance, festivities, and human connection. Rosevear is such a wild, desolate, sea quenched and inhospitable island, and the stories surrounding the construction of the Bishop Rock lighthouse are often tragic, whilst also showing great courage and ingenuity. It’s such an incredible and unlikely place to hold such an event.”
Project legacy
Whilst the project may be winding down, there will be events and performances taking place throughout the summer on Scilly. You can also check out the individual artists involved…
Bec Applebee becapplebee.com
Piers Lewin anislandlife.co.uk
Amanda Lorens amandalorens.com
Sue Hill peteandsuehill.co.uk
Shawn Brown kidsinventstuff.com
Sally Knight cscape.org.uk/staff/sally-miller
Highlights from the project include:
A world class team of creative practitioners and scientists working with The Five Island Academy students for ‘Project Week’ in February;
A spectacular procession from Five Islands Academy (Friday 24th March);
A new musical commission and film from St Agnes Musician Piers Lewin, Full of Noises;
A ‘Grand Ball of Scilly’ barn dance on St Mary’s, featuring live music from the Barnacles and original songs from other fabulous local musicians (Friday 24th March);
An original performance from the St Mary’s Theatre Club featuring new writing from nationally acclaimed writer Anna Murphy (Saturday 25th March);
A story quilt made by the Lyonesse Quilters, which will feature in a new Museum on the Move display.
Arts and crafts activities and workshops within the community, including community bunting making and dance workshops (dates and details TBC);
Satellite performances from the St Mary’s Theatre Club on St Agnes, Bryher, Tresco and St Martin’s throughout the summer (dates TBC).